Project status – our work in Tanzania this year
2021 is racing by and the first half of the year (in fact a bit more) is already behind us. We would like to take this opportunity to look at how we are facilitating education in Tanzania, by giving you a short update of this year’s events so far, and a brief overview of our successfully completed school renovation and water tank projects. And, we’ll give you a glimpse into the near future too.
Tanzania Project Kick-offs 2020: benefitting 5,781 Students and 86 Teachers
Our magic numbers are 6 – 86 – 5,781.
With your donations, in 2021, we could complete six projects in and around Bukoba in the Kagera region that were started in 2020.
86 teachers are now able to do an even better job for the children and young people in our project region Kagera, thanks to tools such as photocopiers and computers and with an improved working environment.
5,781 students benefit in the long term from better prepared teaching materials, improved access to clean drinking water, more space, new toilet facilities and a menstrual hygiene management room.
At this point we would like to thank all members and donors for their support.
The following three project examples show you in detail how the situation for the girls and boys in the Kagera region has improved.
Mafumbo Primary School – 2,029 Pupils: 2 Water Tanks
One of the completed projects was at Mafumbo Primary School in Bukoba MC (Municipal Council). Two water tanks, each with a capacity of 50,000 litres, urgently needed to be renovated for drinking, cooking and washing purposes.
Ute and Lothar Broda, two Jambo Bukoba supporters, learned about this challenge while participating in our annual Learning Safari in January 2020. The Learning Safari concept is aimed at, among others, corporate team members. They participate in school construction projects in an unfamiliar environment and benefit collectively from this experience.
During their Learning Safari, Ute and Lothar took part in meetings between students, teachers and responsible government officials at district level, and thus heard about the challenges of Mafumbo Primary School. They agreed to financially support the project with a valuable donation of EUR 1,070. The 2,029 girls and boys of the school say ASANTE SANA.

The water tank at Mafumbo Elementary School before renovation.

Fully operational again: one of the two water tanks after the investments made.
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Kimukunda Primary School – 943 Pupils: Water Tank and Water Filter
The water situation at Kimukunda Primary School in Missenyi District was also improved thanks to private donations. The 943 students and 11 teachers have been using a new 15,000 litre water tank since this year. This was made possible on the financial side by the von Gersdorff family, whose generous contribution of EUR 4,000 laid the foundation for the construction of the water tank.
For the girls and boys and their teaching staff, the additional installation of a water filter means that they can also drink the groundwater, which without a filter is actually undrinkable. When you think of the already often very long and arduous walks children usually have to take to fetch water, the new situation at their school makes their lives much easier and their education benefits too.
Before construction of the water tank, the very salty and unpleasant smelling groundwater could not even be used to clean the school rooms. This year, the pupils, could benefit from their excellent sporting endeavours at the Jambo Bukoba district bonanzas. They won first place in this sports competition and decided in a committee to build a water tank.
Many thanks to Nico, Dagmar, Darius and Johanna von Gersdorff for their donation and to the community for providing the building material.
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Bukangara Primary School – 540 Pupils: 4 Toilets, 1 MHM Room
Since 2021, the girls and boys of Bukangara Primary School in Karagwe District have benefited from the construction of four new toilets and an MHM room (Menstrual Hygiene Management). Now, the girls can retreat undisturbed during their period to change their sanitary pads. This gives them the opportunity to attend school despite their menstruation and thus be present for significantly more of the valuable teaching sessions.
A total of 540 children attends the school. Up to now, there were only eight toilets: six for the 283 boys, two for the 257 girls. The distribution ratio stipulated by the state 1:25 (one toilet for 25 students) could not be achieved, and there was even a threat of school closure – an unimaginable situation.
Michael Gaertner and his family decided to take over this project financially. As his granddaughter Ella was born, Michael felt like supporting this project in the name of the new family member. Being an employee at the Hypo Vereinsbank, he was also able to double his donation as part of the Gift Matching Program by the UniCredit Foundation. As a total amount, 4.000 Euro could be brought in by Michael and Hypo Vereinsbank. The community contributed another 50 percent in the form of building materials (sand, stones, bricks) which resulted in a fast completion of the sanitary facilities. Michael is already looking forward to the day when he can present Ella “her” project. Currently, it is planned to travel to Tanzania in December 2021 and to visit Bukoba and the Bukangara project. In addition to this, Michael is also busy with his own charity project in Kitandililo in the district of Makambako.
Thanks so much, Michael, for your long-lasting support.

The before and after comparison: what a difference when looking at the sanitary facilities.
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Tanzania Project Kick-Offs 2021
According to the latest status, 54 projects are planned for 2021, of which just over 30 have already been funded. Active construction is already underway at 16 schools.
Total plans for 2021 include:
- 83 new classrooms
- 174 toilet stalls
- 4 water tanks and wells
- 1 teachers’ lounge
- 1 solar pump
- new copy machines
- computers for 2 schools
If you would like to donate or become a member, you can easily get in contact with us by phone or e-mail: [email protected]. Optionally, just have a look here.
Written by: Teresa Mönks and Muriel Burke