Munich, 16.11.2010. In November, sports scientist Sebastian Rockenfeller returns to Bukoba. He will hold further workshops there with the goal of getting the Tanzanian colleague Elias Kepha fit, so that he can independently and independently carry out the “Lifeskills Workshops” next year. The posting of Sebastian Rockenfeller is again carried out by the Foreign Office and the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DSOB). Rockenfeller will also organize for the first time a regional conference for leaders from the government, schools and local authorities in Bukoba. “Such an information event is urgently needed to ensure the sustainability of our project,” explains Clemens Mulokozi. In principle, the project is designed in such a way that Tanzanian authorities also have to make cost contributions. It is important to explain the responsible person the methodology of the concept “Lifeskills through Games”, says Sebastian Rockenfeller to the event. He wants to use examples to show how sport can tackle such controversial topics as AIDS. Participants will experience in role-playing what the teachers trained by Jambo Bukoba get.
Picture: So far, 70 teachers from the Bukoba region have completed the “Lifeskill through Games Training”. Now Sebastian Rockenfeller travels back to Bukoba for more workshops.